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Cook Food, Make Water Safe To Drink, and Sterilize Instruments among other uses.
Using the sun for cooking and water pasteurization has come of age. With
new designs, experience, the ability to make your own, lower prices for
manufactured units, the need to reduce the carbon footprint, save the
forests, cooking where fuel not readily available, reduce electric and fuel costs, it is being increasing used worldwide.
Advantages: It is something you can easily make which really works - saves fuel, doesn't burn your food, even makes your food taste better, no stirring, lots of great recipes, and depending on type of cooker and time of day
as fast as any stove (microwave? Well, that's another story).
Videos to
Videos are in English, French and Spanish (click picture twice to play; click title to enlarge and go to Youtube)
Google Image Search For:
General Description of Solar Cooking
from Wikipedia Description of solar cooker developed by Introduction
to solar cooking by Wikia
In 25 languages. In particular, Heat Principles, Materials
Requirements, Design and Proportion, Solar Box Cooker Operation, and
Cultural Factors Principles
of Design
description of solar cooking Types: Box
cookers, Panel cookers, Solar kettles, Parabolic cookers, Hybrid
cookers, Using a solar cooker: Advantages,
Disadvantages, Solar cooking projects: Bakeries
in Lesotho, Darfur refugee camps, Indian solar cooker village
Cooking and Health One of the best descriptions found. Covers
overcoming barriers to acceptance, practicality, benefits to health,
FAQs, and description of basic cookers
lifeline saves Darfur women
Story Highlights: Violence in Darfur
has left more than 200,000 dead and 2.5 million displaced
Solar cookers in refugee camp reduce the need for firewood by up to 75
Fewer trips outside leaves women less prone to beatings, rape and
Accompanying cottage industries provide entrepreneurial
Types and
how they work
Cocina solar
Cooking in Somalia
com o Sol
Cookit in
A few of the many manufacturing organizations
Oven Society produces the SPORT Solar Oven. A not-for-profit
organization. Your purchase offsets cost of sending overseas where use
dramatically reduces the use of wood for cooking.
One report - bread baked in 35 minutes. Easy to use, Weather resistant,
light (10 lbs), uses free sun for all your cooking. "Designed by solar
engineers to be used in sun rich but fuel poor areas in the world to
improve the quality of life and nutrition of some of the 2.4 billion
people who lack adequate cooking fuel, the Sport is also captivating
U.S. consumers. Constructed of post-consumer recycled plastic pop
bottles, aluminum and state of the art insulation, it is efficient,
environmentally friendly, cost effective and fun to use." Details of
groups which have funded distributions in developing countries.
Tulsi-Hybrid solar cooker Sun Ovens Energy-efficient appliances
Producer of Hotpot
y Biodiversidad:Olla Solar Can purchase Hotpot here
Solar Household Energy (SHE), a 501(c)(3) not-for profit corporation.
Solar Serve, Phục Vụ Năng Lượng Mặt Trời Việt Nam
English and Vietnamese. The aim is to provide teaching and training
through workshops, home visits and group meetings. Up-to-date news. Own
designed box cooker, parabolic cookers, solar still (as of 12 Oct 08
still researching device) . Mobile: 0919 511552 E-mail:
Extensive list of Manufacturers and vendors wiki by Solar Cookers International
Making your
own solar cooker
Solar Cooker Plans
by solarcooking.org. Gives instructions in a number of languages.
Includes: Photos, materials needed, instructions, tips, variations. The
simplicity of some of these designs is amazing. See Windshield
Shield Shade Solar Cooker or Bamboo
Solar Cooker
Parabolic cooker
Five pages - sections include: Advantages of cooking with solar energy, Average cooking temperatures, How to build one yourself, Mathematics behind the parabola shape.
To Make A Solar Cooker
a compound parabolic solar cooker
Categoría:Planos para la construcción de cocinas solares "Las siguientes 20 páginas pertenecen a esta categoría, de un total de 20"
your very own solar water distiller
instructions on building a solar cooker Photos and
description for each step.
Panel Cooker - Construction Plan
Where to donate funds to help distribute where most needed
Village Oven Project "The Temple Solar Project finances,
purchases, delivers and sets in operation large baking and cooking sun
ovens in world-wide locations where natural fuels are depleted and
populations are undernourished. The large Villager Sun Ovens are the
basis for self-supporting community bakeries to replace outdated and
environmentally harmful methods of cooking and to provide new, healthy
means for feeding the citizens in deprived areas of underdeveloped
Cookers International SCI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
organization with headquarters in Sacramento, California, USA and an
office in Nairobi, Kenya. "SCI has enabled 30,000 families in Africa to
cook with the sun's energy, freeing women and children from the burdens
of gathering firewood and carrying it for miles. Tens of thousands of
individuals and organizations from all over the world have
learned about solar cooking through excellent publications and
education resources, and have benefited from information
exchange networks, research, technical support, and the SCI-sponsored,
internationally recognized Internet resource for solar cooking
information: the Solar Cooking Archive."
sun-cooker takes off as a way to help Darfuris Grass-roots
giving for the solar cooker, donated to women who fled Darfur, takes
root in the US. "Once the solar cooker project proved to be feasible,
fundraising efforts spread to purchase the cookers, build manufacturing
facilities on-site in neighboring Chad, and teach women to assemble
them." Jewish World Watch Solar Cooker Project
Fire Cooking Distribution of butterfly solar cooker in
Water Pastueurization
- Why pasteurize and how What pasteurization does. Solar Cookers International
- Aqua
Pak with built in pasteurization unit, separate Water
Pasteurization Indicator (WAPI)
- Solar
Water Distillation - Stills El PAaso Solar Energy
Association. "During the summer months produces over 3 gallons/day.
Winter production is about 1/2 that amount. The still has no moving
parts, uses only solar energy to operate, and is self cleaning."
- Recent
Advances in Solar Water Pasteurization Ways of testing for
contamination, temperatures sufficient for pasteurization, different
strategies for pasteurization.
- Solar Water Disinfection A Water Treatment Process used at Household Level English, French German Spanish Portugese. Simple (low cost/free) method to disinfect water. "SODIS is recommended by WHO (World Health Organisation) as water disinfection method at household level and is part of WHO’s international network to promote household water treatment and safe storage." "SODIS, Solar Water Disinfection, improves the microbiological quality of drinking water, using solar UV-A radiation and temperature to inactivate pathogens causing diarrhoea." "SODIS is ideal to treat small quantities of water. Contaminated water is filled into transparent plastic bottles and exposed to full sunlight for six hours."
- Recent Advances in Solar Water Pasteurization Boiling isn't necessary to kill disease microbes.
Summary of Water Pasteurization Techniques
- Low-tech
Solar Water Purification: It works So simple but effective in
producing pasteurized water.
- Pasteurización, Destilación
Projects In Water Disinfection
Related information
- Boiling point of water at sea level
is 100 degrees centigrade or 212 Fahrenheit
- Boiling
point of water calculator using your altitude and barometric
- Portable
Microbiology Laboratory "Containing the best tests for E.
Coli that the water and food industries have to offer, each PML
includes 25 water tests with sterile plastic pipettes, collecting bags
and a portable UV light, all of which are carried in a gallon sized zip
lock bag...A simple, easy to use method for making water safe to drink
involves heating water in the solar-powered CooKit...Together with
Water Pasteurization Indicator (WAPI) to aid in the process of
pasteurizing water with solar energy...CooKit addresses two fundamental
problems people in villages face every day: no wood for cooking and
contaminated water."
- What
you can do to promote solar cooking nonprofit Solar Cookers
- freznell
lense can
boil water
Solar Cooking Forums
Personal experiences, accounts of use, good advice
Cook With the Sun-Solar Cooking - Solar Oven Information "You can cook almost anything with the sun and a "low tech" solar oven!" Home made cookers, recipes and a dialogue.
off the grid Personal experience with solar cookers and some
A Solar Cooking Day Solar Cooking for a family in Tiruchirapalli.
Good advice and information about solar cooking from Greek-recipe.com
International Directory of Solar
Cooking Promoters
Directory of Solar Cooking Promoters Individuals who have
indicated to Solar Cookers
International they have solar cooking experience .
Listed by country.
Resolutions of Solar Cooker
conferences and
and 2006 Collaborative Actions Asia/Africa Seminar of Solar
Cooker Leaders, Kenya 2005
Solar Cooking News
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