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Mission Planning and the Value of Independent Initiative16 October 2005page reconstruction & link check September 2018 Abstract: The steps to critical mission planning are
outlined here as an operation checklist and guide to planning. The
listing is based on the principle of training for the institution of
innovative independent action and the taking of responsibility at all
levels of an organization or mission. The planning and training for
initiative taking strengthens a system's ability to respond and take
independent action when faced with a novel situation for which planning
provides no solution, or when communication has been lost, or events on
the ground are moving too fast for effective communication and
response. The following provides a guide for decision making, a basis
for a disaster recovery plan (DRP) or a business continuity plan (BCP)
or any operation where overall success is more important than getting
in and returning with the flag regardless of the consequences.
Note: This paper is not meant to be definitive
and should be treated only as a preliminary outline for action.
The following is relevant to any critical field
operation as well as for group organization or for creating systems or
products for clients. The terminology may be different but the
conceptual framework is relevant to each of these fields and other
instances in which some control is exercised over the outcome of events
whether it is on the individual or group level.
The major causes of failure.
Aside from lack of timing, inadequacy of supplies or
access, inadequate planning, inadequate data gathered on current
condition of environment within which mission is to be accomplished,
and a thousand other variables, the major causes of failure:
Predetermination of approach before all goals set,
data are gathered.
Rigidity or inflexibility of approach precluding
considering the reality on the ground.
Grandstanding by leader or manager attempting to
always take center stage.
Inadequate division of labor causing overload on
particular personnel.
Inadequate or blocked access to decision makers with
timely data relating to changes in the situation.
Inadequate access to innovative or alternative ways
to accomplish mission Inadequate support made available to team members.
Inadequate provision for initiative and self
determination on the action level when communication to central command
is severed or before effective communication and active response
Initiation of independent action.
Something which we do not want to think about is the
loss of leadership at the top. However this is always a possibility and
until the chain of command can be reinstated there is a gap which if
left unfilled by action on the ground may lead to greater loss,
suffering and perhaps even defeat.
Any organization must be set up and trained so that
in the absence of leadership from the top, the lower echelons, and the
personnel on the ground can take responsibility and initiate
appropriate action. This requires additional training and an atmosphere
which is not usually present in many bureaucratic or highly organized
systems. Training and rewards for taking the initiative and the
assumption of responsibility for a bottom up or horizontal command
capability provides a system with increased latitude and power. Any
system instituting this concept throughout an organization would be far
stronger and capable of handling any mission whether it be a disaster
or regular operation either within or separated from the normal chain
of command. Such a system will also often benefit from increased
innovation in handling situations for which there has been no specific
preparation (7).
What happens when independent initiative is not
available as an option?
Level of training.
Units and different levels of the command structure
are less trained and prepared for novel situations and are less
prepared in general even for their own part in the mission.
Training for initiative and responsibility leads to
novel solutions which can be incorporated into the overall advancement
of the mission.
Advancement of mission.
Units focus only on their own segment in a mission
without a broader view which could enable more understanding and
flexibility to perform.
When faced with communication lapses for whatever
reason, action which may be critical to the overall mission is delayed
when confronting a new situation or threat.
Morale is lower when units or individuals are not
Preparation for initiative and leadership in small
arenas give greater sense of responsibility and pride in unit
Training would include:
Set of expectations delineating assumption of
initiative and responsibility bounded by certain limitations.
Leadership and overall command responsibilities.
Training for effective cooperation between unit
Innovation and problem solving techniques.
Multi-tasking in a number of central and crucial
possible situations to be encountered .
Training in identification of signs of possible
problems within the teams, the mission and within the environment.
Training in future ideation – consequence timelines,
and interaction juxtaposition (how elements should work together).
Broad training in information access.
Training in communication (making sure that everyone
knows how to operate the available technology and lines of access).
Knowledge of logistics at each level and access to
supply chains.
Coordination with other groups involved to avoid
overlap and interference.
Arena available materials identification, location of
and use of instead of waiting for outside supply.
Flexibility management and adaptation.
Use of local knowledge and information from the field
in forming decisions and operational strategy.
Understanding of specific arena characteristics to
obtain seamless operational efficiency.
Training which will develop the basis for mature
judgment through experience. Effective run through of situations so
that each member of the team can see the overall picture and how
everything interacts.
Advance planning and execution based on foreseen
future requirements.
Negative aspects which need to be countered are:
Lack of training.
Lack of information.
Lack of resources.
Incorrect timing.
Lack of integration with other efforts being pursued
in the arena.
Instituted when:
The use of independent action is normally part of any
organization when the type of action taken is within a narrow scope of
activity or will have relatively little ramification on the total
A structure is federated and little emphasis has been
placed on chains of command, rules of action, or when the details of
action are in principle left to the lower echelons.
When independent action is dictated by the
emergencies of the situation and there is no response from higher
levels, or response is not forthcoming within the time frame, or
response is ineffective given the situation faced on the ground.
Independent, innovative action and the taking of
responsibility has been built into the system and is expected.
This paper focuses on the 3rd and 4th situations and
provides a basis for the training, instituting of rewards for
independent and innovative action.
Stages of Critical Mission Planning.
Basically, all of the steps covered here must to some
degree be part of any operation or response. The important first step
is to identify the different stages and to assess their timeline,
overlap, and each stage's contributory influences to other stages. Many
stages may in fact overlap in time, material usage, and influence. The
most critical job will be to keep them running concurrently without
interference between segments which could compromise the mission.
This is the stage of developing the goals dictated by
the problems or desires which must be solved or fulfilled. It is the
period of reconnaissance in which as much as possible is learned about
the possibilities, the 'lay of the land' and the collection of all data
which will be used to understand the situation within which the mission
will be conducted. At this stage documentation is started which will
last throughout the project.
This is the stage in which goals will be linked to
all of the possibilities and directions necessary to their attainment
within different possible settings and resource availability including
timing and integration.
This stage places flesh on the bones of the structure
created during planning. All materials, and resources or capabilities
for resource delivery are completed. All operations will be realized in
terms of their requirements prior to the actual execution of the plan.
This is the realization stage of the plan in which
any gaps in the previous stages are discovered and must be filled in
real time. This stage is the one in which not being prepared can easily
lead to disaster. This is also the stage in which innovation, and
necessity of taking new roads for which there is no preparation needs
to be taken.
This stage runs throughout the execution and
afterwards to repair, adjust, and reassess enabling continuation of the
operation and the next phase.
Wind down of all actions, protection of all
resources, assessment of all attainments and their meaning for the
continuation of and continuity of the organization in the present and
the preparation for the next operation.
This stage is all too often in actuality a new
operation in its own right which should be executed according to all of
the stages. It is the result planned for but it is often not at all
what was envisioned. Therefore, in most instances, the preparation for
the aftermath must be scrapped and a new set of rules and procedures
instituted to fit the realities of the actual situation.
Review, evaluation and critique.
This stage provides understanding to the degree
possible of what occurred and an assessment of what were successes and
failures. This phase is critical for future operations and must not be
overlooked or minimized. At this phase it is very important to have
outside bodies participate in the assessment and to accomplish an
independent review and critique.
The following are details of the above
stages and are applicable to all situations from individual actions to
group endeavors.
Logs, databases, forms, questionnaires, observers,
transcribers initiated which will run throughout all phases of the
Setting of overall goal/sub-goals/possible
alternative goals.
Think, plan and provide globally before devising the
intricacies of any operations. Global definitions will enter into every
small part of an operation.
Devise different global views - an incorrect or
flawed global view will necessarily lead to disaster at some level if
not to the total operation and its outcomes.
Analysis of goal fulfillment.
Be sure of the reasons for the goals you have set.
What will be the effect of these goals if realized?
What would be the effect should different goals be
What would be the effects of failure on the group?
Before you do anything, find out all you can about
the thing you are about to do.
Be able to navigate within the area. This may mean
linguistically through the use of interpreters, understanding of the
protocols, prejudices, traditions, worldview of different segments of
the population or group concerned.
Learn the history of those who will be involved and
how your plan will impact them and how this will effect the mission.
Playing field.
Study and know the area within which the plan will be
realized, its parameters, obstacles, the rules by which the plan will
be unfolded and the way in which the participants will interact.
Determine the parameters of movement.
Other players.
Study the other participants and what they bring to
the interaction.
General environment.
Environmental parameters which will aid or hinder
Within arena resources potentially needed which are
already present and available Available tools, materials, people,
skills available within the arena or the population.
Major obstacles to overcome and potential solutions.
Previous attempts to accomplish mission by self or
Successes and failures of past attempts.
Available resources to obtain historical data.
Analysis of historical data.
Determine what is available or not available now as
opposed to previous attempts.
Find historical incidents similar to the operation
planned and learn by example.
Look at a number of well known and documented
incidents either related or unrelated) which succeeded or which went
wrong and assess the reasons for the successes or failures and what
could have been done or avoided.
Risk assessment.
Identify all possible risks – natural and manmade
which may enter into any response pattern.
Always factor in the presence of outside and
potentially disruptive elements - those which can be foreseen and those
which may be totally fortuitous and unpredicted.
Basic organizational structure.
Units and chain of command should be clarified and
known to all taking part in the mission.
Basic funds and resources needed.
The basic needs for each stage, the potential sources
and methods of commitment and timing of delivery.
Time sequencing.
Set the basic time sequencing of operations to
accomplish task.
Resources available including personnel.
Basic skills available which will be needed to
accomplish mission.
Skills and resources within group.
Skills and resources from suppliers and other
Other potential groups or individuals who may be
called in to perform central support or auxiliary functions.
Delineation of the involvement of personnel and
support groups, when, where, and how much.
Basic communications and structure.
Communications available and potentially useful or
critical to the operation.
Types of analysis and monitoring needed.
Initial analysis.
Obtain the opinions of others (participants,
analysts, experts) on the general outline and on different parts of the
planned operation.
General rules of planning.
Generate a spirit of improvisation and willingness to
take responsibility in performing independent action suited to the
exigencies confronted on the front line of any operation.
Decentralization increases the opportunities for
Never rely solely on your own view of events, or
those of close advisors or players.
Most mistakes have been due to not taking outside and
conflicting points of view into consideration. And never attempt to
plan or execute a plan on the sole advice of yourself.
Never assume what the other party is thinking, their
capability, predisposition or ability to perform. Keep in mind that the
other actors taking part in the operation may have a totally different
view of the situation and will themselves have factored in their own
security and protection.
Provide measures which will create the least negative
effects should something go wrong.
Preplan methods of ameliorating negative fallout or
Deal with planning and scheduling problems related to
options available for each task and the consequences of each action to
determine the most practical and goal effective methods.
Always factor in pullout, shutdown, abort
possibilities and methods for accomplishing with least disruption. This
often entails greater preplanning than the planning of the operation
Generate methods for handling unexpected events.
Operations in obtaining goal.
Determination of what operations are needed to
Determine areas of flexibility – what is flexible and
what is not in terms of tasks, time line, resource availability.
Methods of handling and analyzing alternative
suggestions and innovations.
Establishing boundaries for the fulfillment of tasks.
Establishing rules and methods for cooperation,
engagement, retreat, and re-planning.
Scheduling, timing and intersection.
Timing and integration is critical at all levels.
Determination of time line for each action and how it
interacts with all other actions involved in the operation and in the
Modeling and dry runs to determine probable success.
Create a limited mission with few elements and game
play with group of players to discover what is needed, when, and how
Work through scenarios in which planned elements are
changed to review the changes created in the operation and the outcome.
Assess all possibilities so that there is no
possible room for surprises.
Always answer the questions what, what, what if,
when, why, where, how and how much as a rule of thumb.
Assess the consequences of each action to determine
the most practical and goal effective.
Push each operation to its logical conclusion and in
some cases illogical fallout and consequences.
Test all modalities of mission critical equipment and
Chain of command and division of labor.
Determination of lines of command or responsibility.
Determination of who does what and in what
Determination of backup for every critical position.
Backups and redundancy.
Redundancy measures for critical functions.
Recovery modes for errors in task completion.
Backups for each role or function.
Have backup plans or capabilities for each operation.
Prepare for backups, re-supply and re-delivery,
including possible substitutes, alternative means and routes of all
Overcoming barriers.
Delineation of barriers which will impede progress
and methods for overcoming.
Create what if…? For every possible occurrence to
determine what to do given different types of circumstances.
Rules of engagement.
Delineation of basic rules of conduct and
Support networks and resources.
Support networks established for each position and
Establish rules of communication.
Provision of outside help in emergencies.
Establishing parameters for cooperation from within
the arena itself.
On call facility and resources providers.
Provision for cooperation from outside groups even in
some cases competitors.
Analysis methods of ongoing events.
Provide for constant analysis of situational
variables, progress and future possibilities based on changes which are
continually fed into the operations as they proceed.
Security and protection.
Factor in security and protection of all members as
well as those tangentially affected.
Prepare alternative means of protection given any
Brainstorm all possible scenarios where protection or
security may be necessary.
Response protocols and rules.
Develop specific responses for all risks identified
and general response protocol which will prepare for unexpected risks.
Methods of accountability and follow-up.
Public accountability.
Methods and rules for disclosure.
Rules, types and methods for public relations.
Consequences and outcomes.
Factor in how the operation and its outcomes will
effect other operations, players, social and political bodies.
Re-plan sequences after each unforeseen change in the
conduct of an operation.
Plan for aftermath and all possible consequences.
Plan meticulously for aftermath - all possible
scenarios including those not envisioned.
In many cases the aftermath takes more planning and
has greater consequences than the operation itself.
This is the stage of logistics and training - the
obtaining and positioning of materials and players towards the stage of
execution. During this stage a great deal of flexibility and
re-planning must take place based on the availability of resources,
capabilities of storage and positioning and arranging for the timing of
receipt and planned use of resources.
This is the stage in which planning is finalized
based on the availability and positioning of resources and the
capabilities of personnel. Finalization must be created through
in-depth analysis of all measurable factors involved.
Assess supply needs, acquisition, arrangement for
storage and delivery at appropriate times.
Assess the capabilities of your team(s) and your own
Always have sufficient players to fulfill all parts
of the operation in terms of knowledge, capability and training.
Training and overall preparation of all personnel.
Mock play through, rehearsal, and simulation in real
time or computer modeling for purposes of training, and determination
of gaps in knowledge, capabilities and interaction with other team
members and other teams.
Multiple role training so that any individual can
take over and fulfill a number of different positions.
Training, information and written protocols which can
be accessed in an emergency.
Testing and evaluation.
Run-through and testing of the different operation
options to identify gaps and areas needing further training or change
in modality.
Testing of personnel in terms of capability to
perform within the context of the tam and operation.
Testing and finalization of procurement and delivery
of all needed materials.
Equipment, training, knowledge of theater of
Training for optimum use of encounters with
competitors, friendlies, or hostiles.
Checking of communications and alternatives available.
Interaction analysis.
Cohesion of teams and clarification of points of
possible friction.
What if? analysis.
What if? planning so that all possibilities of
changes in scenarios of planned action due to probable, improbable and
unexpected factors will be covered.
Identification of areas which are incomplete,
lacking, or might produce problems in actual interaction in theater of
Identification of environmental variables (supplies,
availabilities of material from previous actions, reuse of equipment,
possible replication) which can be used to advantage thus reducing the
reliance on centralized procurement and delivery.
Identification and accounting of real time action
variables (juxtaposition of forces, tradeoffs, cross actions, turning
points and changes in requirements in supplies, types of material
needed, changes in rules of conduct, changes in form of engagement.
Psychological factors involved.
Establish the morale, knowledge and acceptance of
goal and reasons for the action. Establish an atmosphere for
innovation, independent action and responsibility where action must be
taken and there is lack of communication or clear guidelines to action.
Integrate plans into wider area plans which are in
place by other agencies or entities.
Integration and early warning systems should interact
to provide feedback and support.
Set priorities for each agenda: action, protection,
response, preservation, recovery.
In the event of an emergency or during any operation
is will not always be possible to complete all functions – which are
the most valuable or necessary for continuance and continuity (some are
not necessarily recognizable as such). Review operations in relation to
timing, communication, supply, chains of command.
Evaluate condition and characteristics of all
environmental, social and physical factors which could impact on the
Develop a check list for updates on any changes which
need to be considered.
Checking security.
Checking and enhancement of security of operation on
all levels.
Checking and enhancement of the safety of personal
including protection systems for each entity – personnel, material,
communication, resources. Each grouping needs a specialized protection
system which includes protection against known dangers as well as
protocols covering any unknown or unexpected danger. This should also
include the development of maintenance procedures which will reduce
long term problems.
Monitoring capabilities.
Special provision for real time monitoring using
different modalities with backups and redundancies.
Develop listing of telltale signs of problems, how to
recognize them, and what to do when they occur.
Maintenance and updating.
Maintenance schedules should be set for all renewable
factors in the mission.
Procedures for updating all equipment, programs,
communication should be instituted.
This is self explanatory – or is it? There are a
number of indicators which test the degree to which the preceding
stages were accomplished successfully or not if any of the items below
are not fulfilled or actively in place.
Early warning.
Provide an effective early warning system which will
reach 90+% of those effected.
Provide for a way to monitor the receipt of the
warning and action related to it.
Follow up with a sustained and effective means of
dealing with the effects of the warning.
Provide for the capability of effective response to
the early warning. In many cases this may be one of the more difficult
parts of a mission. Monitoring.
It is during this stage that several types of
monitoring must be in place:
Monitoring of all functions which will enable
identification of environmental, personnel and resource availability
and interaction and sufficiency for mission continuity in real time and
to provide for review and critiques at later stages.
Monitoring of scheduling, delivery and sufficiency of
supplies, sufficiency of personnel, success and failures of each
operation toward each sub-goal and the overall goal of the mission.
There must be clear indications and measurable
indices of each of the above to enable effective decision making,
indices which can signal advancement, retreat, abort sequences, or
changing of the goals within the mission given real time necessities.
Constantly assess the resources available in the
theater of action (already in the arena, available through conventional
resources, available as an outcome of the action itself. Concurrent
Concurrent analysis during active phases of the
Possible error analysis: Correction and decision
making based on analysis of all things which can go wrong given the
actual operation on the ground.
Flow diagrams of operation in progress to assess
next steps given environmental, personnel, interaction, equipment
Real time feedback from different vantage points,
and different modalities.
Real time updating of those carrying out the
Provision for containment.
Identification of the need for containment.
Parameters of containment.
Measures in instituting containment.
Check against the major causes of failure of
Constant check of the effectiveness of containment.
Contingency operations and shifting of preplanned
There must be latitude for shifts in operations
provided by sufficient backups, and preplanning for most contingencies.
Be prepared for sudden shifts in rules, projected
occurrences, order of presentation some of which may totally change the
way in which the operation is handled and played out including the
possible consequences and needs for security and protection.
Be constantly prepared to reassess and adjust.
Where there is no preplanning and a lack of supplies
or command for certain contingencies, there must be the ability, backed
up by training and experience, to take the initiative and the
responsibility on the local level if lives are to be saved or the goals
of the operation are to be realized.
Decision making.
Constantly check for clear chain of command without
overlap from other groups, agencies or individuals with an interest or
legal right to intercede. These should be included as detailed lines of
approval within the chain and not pose as unplanned decision makers.
Have alternative ways to do each operation accessible
both theoretically and operationally given changes in the arena or
problems encountered.
Always be willing to look at conventional wisdom as
well as alternative and even highly criticized theories.
Preplan all possibilities including those not
generally accepted by conventional wisdom and general knowledge of the
Continual input of open information channels.
Where public policy is involved, keep open well
advertised public forums and capability for response and
question-asking along with follow-up and review by those making the
Always have instant feedback capabilities to the
participants from the decision makers in order to provide information,
timing, and change in direction or operation.
Recovery should always be preplanned since any
operation entails the possibility of some form of negative risk,
feedback, change in the parameters of 'business as usual', and there
must be sufficient planning to guarantee continuity. We usually think
in terms of disaster recovery, but in fact any large scale operation
carries with it the potential of disruption, changed fiscal position
and liquidity and access to resources, as well as changes in the
atmosphere in the organization and within the lives of the individuals
involved in the operation.
Recovery is an ongoing part of any operation and
should be meticulously planned prior to an incident or initiation of
action. Failure to institute recovery measures and providing for
continuity during an operation including the necessary personnel and
material support and expertise to accomplish it in a timely manner can
severely compromise the effectiveness of a mission.
Preparing for recovery and continuity.
Identification of gaps.
Establishing timing – assessed length of time between
breakdown of critical functions and failure of sub-mission, length of
time to repair or reestablish continuity (6).
Pre-identification of hazards or risks which will
create a lapse in continuity during mission critical operations (6).
Managing for external intrusion and internal
Develop signs of potential breakdown which, apart
from major damage due to mission accomplishment and backlash, will
alert unit of impending breakdown or insufficiency.
Pre-established alternatives.
Establishing alternative means to perform critical
Formulation of alternative measures to ensure
Institute redundancies of materials and personnel
which can immediately fill any gaps in operation occasioned by
breakdown, exhaustion of resources, destruction.
Pre-planning for executing recovery of (a
non-exhaustive listing):
data still existing on hard drives of computers
otherwise destroyed, codes and plans needed for continuation, etc.
Lost or ineffective communication.
Personnel in the arena who are crucial to continuance
but who have been compromised momentarily for any number of reasons.
Communication links which have been compromised
through intrusion by hackers, virus/worm attacks or spy programs.
Material assets which have been damaged but are still
viable with repair or part replacement.
Restoration of communication with those units or
service providers and suppliers needed for providing continuity.
Identify backup or redundant personnel or services
prepared to perform recovery functions under adverse conditions if
necessary. Develop protocols for repair and recovery of critical
Institution of procedures.
Perform regular checks of mission critical functions
which should be automatic checks where possible, Recovery should be
accomplished in accordance with preparation. Where there has not been
preparation or when the unexpected occurs, the training, atmosphere and
the command structure should be capable of allowing for innovation,
independent operation of personal, and acceptance of responsibility at
the ground level for maintaining continuity.
Have a cyber incident response (CIRT) plan. Make sure
that all communications are secure or do not transmit sensitive
Provide for remote capabilities in event of main
communication breakdown.
Develop strategies for filtering communications which
are fraud, intent on disruption or misinformation.
Recovery procedures and alternative means of
communication should be instituted.
Provision for dealing with disorientation, loss of
morale, instability.
Provision should be made for group support
interaction, individual psychological help, debriefing, and reality
checks particularly in sensitive missions.
Wrap-up is not just the end of the operation and
withdrawal from the field. It comprises a number of identifiable
operations. In actuality, wrap-up during the operations at the end of
sub-stages is possible and if handled correctly, effective in
preparation for the next stages of the operation.
Make any successes stable and failures mollified or
turned to advantage based on new perspectives (lessons learned, data
generated which can be useful for future operations).
Debriefing to some extent should always occur for
those involved to reduce psychological load, to better understand what
happened on the individual and unit level, desensitization if needed,
and learning from individual experiences what transpired both
physically and psychologically.
Recording procedures.
Recording of experiences and ideas for the next
Replay of crucial operations to learn for future use.
Recording of events from the view point of the
participants for historical purposes and documentation.
Recording for use in debriefing.
To prevent reoccurrence or provide for greater access.
Analyze and put in place measures which in a disaster
will help prevent a reoccurrence or ease dealing with it, or to help
future missions to operate more effectively.
Analysis of data should be carried out to better
understand the causes and lead-ups to successes and failures and
understanding of gaps in supply and operation.
Editing of real time data transmissions and analyses
made during the operation for future use and reporting.
Public relations and reporting.
Rewards given for accomplishments.
The aftermath is usually considered to be any
operation after the main operation and is therefore downgraded in
importance and often performed with scant attention. However, this is
in many cases a new operation and should be treated as such. Many
failures are experienced during this phase which often degrade the
successes of the 'main' operation or in some cases actually saves the
operation from its failures. In point of fact, the aftermath is often
more important than the operation itself since it pre-positions for the
next event which may be deadlier or costlier or wider spread.
Cleanup, repair, adjust, re-supply, reposition.
Restart planning process.
Adjust planning for new reality – In many cases none
of the old planning is relevant in the new situation.
Instituting forms of security and protection of
personnel for the long run is priority.
Setting in place security measures and protection of
affected populations from internal or external forces.
Initiate early warning systems on a number of levels.
Reassess strategies.
Reassess and develop new strategies in all areas to
improve early warning, response and control.
Publish data.
Position and make readily available documents and
data which will be needed in future actions.
Analysis from unit and command levels.
Analyze the outcome from the point of view of a
number of different disciplines.
Reconstruct sequencing, timing, availability of
materials, personnel and knowledge available.
Have different parts of the analysis team focus on a
different aspect of the operation and provide for feedback and
interconnectedness of teams and members during the analysis process.
Gather all possible data and, where appropriate,
materials involved and arrange for their storage, security and
safekeeping against all forms of intrusion, or disturbance.
Do not allow concentration on any failed portion of
an operation to cloud all the factors which might have contributed to
the incident as it occurred.
Review, evaluation, reconstruction and critique.
While part of this is accomplished in a number of
ways in the wrap-up, this is an ongoing process which many have little
or nothing to do with the participants in the operation but with the
overall successes or failures. In some cases this stage takes years to
Some of the events and data can only be understood
within the context of a timeline often running years before and after
an event.
Reconstruction of what occurred and the reasons for
successes and failures by the system itself improves the future
response of the system in general. Such reconstruction can be the basis
for reorganization and the changing of suppliers, equipment, data and
command flows, information gathering and use processes within the
This is also a basis for learning and identifying
best procedures.
Critique and investigation panels.
Set up criteria for the review and critique.
This should be conducted by outside and independent
sources provides the basis for comprehensive understanding of the
operation. This will often (if not always) highlight areas not seen or
looked at by all internal critiques and reconstructions.
If the operation has been publicized, set up a public
forum to obtain feedback and critique some of which will have
perspectives at angles often missed by regular panels.
Provide an information database for review and for
any personnel who will be part of the review process.
Publish reconstructions, critiques and investigations
including the successes and failures as future guides as well as
thoughts on how the operation could or should have been accomplished
and internal as well as external restructuring.
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