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Take Away From How We Are Dealing With The Coronavirus

   1 Quarantines and shutdowns save nobody.    2 Possible more deaths from quarantines than corona itself.    3 We are NOT doing what will save us next time.    4 There's an easy way to protect ourselves right under our noses.

New way to see Diamond Princess
We appear to be missing the point
What have we learned
We are doing it all wrong
How improve immune system
What we can do as a society

This virus is a warning  to top

Coronavirus (COVID-19) is the dress rehearsal for a really big one - a pathogen taking no prisoners which could wipe us out, coming from within our own environment, or a mutation of a weak virus, or one totally different from our endogenous pathogens, coming in from elsewhere in the universe. What we are now going through may give us a fighting chance to survive.   

COVID19 appears to be a relatively weak virus which has taught us a lot, and will most likely peak within a short period of time. However, we are placing the world in such disarray economically and socially, that if a truly virulent mutation or a new viral or bacterial pathogen hits, we will not be able to handle it. By our fear, our social distancing, our quarantines, and our preparing for handling such an event once we finish with this one, we are actually setting ourselves up for 'global' termination on a scale not seen since the black plague (biological) or the Spanish influenza (viral). But this time affecting not just specific areas, but the entire globe because of an interconnectedness and interdependence which never existed in the past.

What we are doing right now is actually contributing to the spread of the virus. By inciting panic and upsetting normal economic and social integration, we are making mistakes on a global scale.

What we got wrong on the Diamond Princess story to top

We have been over the story of the Diamond Princess  ad infinitum, but there is something we are overlooking, which speaks to an understanding of the virus, if not our reaction.
First of all, we have to realize that in the general population almost everyone survives this particular virus no matter their age.

It is highly probable that everyone on board the ship came into contact with the virus before the quarantine went into effect. In the beginning days before anyone was aware of possible contagion, there was no social distancing, no recommendations of do-not-touch-your-face, no-hugging, no-shaking-hands, and there was constant intermixing in highly crowded spaces. Out of 3,711 passengers and crew, there have been, as of 15 March, 7 deaths, all to passengers (guests) over the age of 70 (1,2,3). Assuming that everyone age 70+ was a passenger, there were 1015 age 70-79 and 216 age 80-89 (4), making a grand total of 1221 elderly passengers of whom all survived except for 7. Of course they had some of the best food in the world and lots of sun, and activities. Something most of the elderly in the world do not have, or do not take advantage of. Also, according to the Japan Times, "The average age of the ship's patients in hospital was 68. Among them, 48 percent had underlying diseases..." (5) This means that even with co-infections, almost everyone who was a patient survived.

Given no details, it might even be claimed that everyone survived because of the quarantine.

The Crew

However, the crew is the crucial part of the story for an understanding of the event's significance, if not for the world's reaction. To date, no crew member has died of the virus. But, for the crew, there was no quarantine. These 1,000+ crew members ate together in the crew mess hall, performed their jobs, and for those dealing with the 2,600 guests, were in constant contact, in one way or another, with other crew members who had become infected (some of whom were taken individually to hospital in Japan), and with infected guests. Again, for 1,000+ crew members, no quarantine, no deaths.

Currently, it seems that in most cases our immune system can handle the virus itself, with most deaths due to those with coexistent diseases and conditions, or compromised immune systems. It might be said that the sooner you get it, the sooner you will get over it, so you can help those who are critical, in cases where effective and timely treatment is the difference between life and death.
In the end, COVID-19 may be equal to or less pathogenic and infectious than the yearly influenza, both locally and globally.

But, we appear to be missing the point.  to top

If a virus were highly contagious and pathogenic, it could sweep through a population within days, with the only hope that there would be what? Some individuals with immune systems which could handle it to varying degrees? There would be no medicines, no vaccines, no effective means of limiting transmission, no quarantines or shutdowns which could stem the tide, and a health system at a loss as to how to respond.

During mega-pandemics in the past there have been those who survived. Who are these people and why. We do not have the answers. We are being given an exceeding rare opportunity to find out. We could do it later, with funding, and trace back through records trying to find people, but it could be too late. We can do it, we must do it - now. What in their immune system gives them the edge?

The immune system may be our best and only defense against this coronavirus, either giving no effective entry, or if infected, asymptomatic or experiencing mild to moderate symptoms, but few critical. Even with all the social distancing, reducing exposure through non-touching and quarantines, the bottom line with the current virus is, in one way or another, you will be exposed, and you will manage it.

Now, we are actually contributing to the spread of the virus. We are spreading fear and upsetting normal economic and social integration. We are making these mistakes on a global scale.

In essence we have two defenses against a pathogen.
1. An immune system which is capable of fighting off the virus or bacteria.
2. A health system which can provide the emergency help needed for critical cases.
A quarantine reduces access to both.
In fact, a quarantine of a population, and fear of each other are the worst measures which can be instituted.

What have we learned? to top

1. Quarantines
Area quarantines are lethal if they are applied to the general population. No matter how effective the lockdown or quarantine, there will be spread, and a rising mortality having absolutely nothing to do with the disease itself.
Quarantines and lockdowns are instituted to presumably 1. protect those on the outside, and internally protect one from the other, or 2. to slow the spread of the disease (what is called ‘flattening the curve’) to facilitate limited medical facilities, personnel and equipment.

As with most population quarantines, there will be breaches so that spread will occur regardless of their stringency. The quarantine merely delays the spread of the disease while increasing the rate of infection and of death in the population.
Even if infected, many escape an area before the lockdown.
"Grab the cat and dog, your doll, and your favorite toy. We're out of here." Plus the fact that no area shutdown is hermetically sealed and there are always many ways out for those who are determined.

It is just a matter of time before the spread occurs - longer for a weak virus or bacteria, or extremely short for one which is highly contagious.

What increases the mortality during even a short quarantine or shutdown  top

Regardless of the risk of the virus, the numbers of those infected and dying will be vastly inflated, turning a relatively minor situation into a major threat.
It is absolutely critical to attribute death by the virus to  only those cases where the virus is the efficient cause.

In order to reduce as much as possible the panic caused by a pandemic or fear of one, it is crucial that this distinction be made.

We are dealing with the survival chances of an entire population.

In the end, the disease will take a certain percentage of the population. But what will that number include?
1. All those who would likely have succumbed to a normal flu due to underlying diseases, conditions, or as a result of medical complications.
2. All those unable to receive care because there is no space left, overworked medical teams or overextended facilities.      
3. Panic to get items like masks which are in short supply, placing individuals at greater risk of infection just attempting to get protection.
4. unavailability of normal food supplies which will increase the rate of death for those on the edge of malnutrition, compromised immune systems.
5. lack of water when systems breakdown and are not fixed.
6. side effects of measures used to sanitize cities, public spaces.
7. Death from the side effects of insufficient testing of the efficacy of new medicines or vaccines.
8. those who are quarantined and unable to get the medicines and treatment they need to remain alive.
9. emergency cases due to accidents, heart attacks who cannot reach a hospital because of a quarantine
10.  those in double jeopardy with the virus and another immune compromising condition which facilitates death where the virus itself is not the efficient cause, either because of complications which are not the direct result of the virus - sepsis, medical error, side effects of drugs administered whether they are for the virus itself or other conditions.
11. Failure to recognize that isolation itself can heighten the possibility of death through fear, loss of emotional support, despair.

This list is not definitive.
It is possible that death from non related causes will eclipse death from the disease.

2. We are doing it all wrong  to top

For this virus, it is not the number of infected people that matters, or the territorial spread or the speed with which it spreads. The question is, 'Do you have the immune system to handle it?' and 'Do you have an underlying condition which can be improved so you can handle it more successfully?' Millions upon millions can be infected and can survive. But, many countries and cities are basing draconian measures on the percentage of new daily cases over previous numbers, or the increase in new localities. Current strategies for dealing with the virus should be by improving the underlying health of the affected or the to-be-affected population, not leveraging supplies of medical personnel or equipment, thereby causing unwarranted fear, and destroying the fabric of society. 

3. Immunity - On The Front Line to top

On the front line, what can be done to reduce the mortality rate?
1. There have been a large number of research studies conducted which have shown that various foods, herbs, and some supplements improve the ability of the immune system to handle invading viruses and bacteria. These should not be overlooked - particularly when facing a situation in which we have nothing to lose, and there are relatively rare side effects due to interaction with specific drugs, allergies, or disease conditions. For the general population, it is a win-win situation. And for those facing a viral or biological threat, this type of enhancement and support heightens the capacity of the immune system to handle it successfully.
Improve and support the immune system of the general population, but particularly those who have already contracted the virus or those who are at high risk of infection. Many are compromised due to concomitant illnesses and weak immune systems due to many factors including inadequate diet, fatigue, and lack of sleep. We need to find out what makes the immune system more resilient.

How To Improve Your Immune system  top

First things first.
If you can get 10-20 minutes of sun - a day (not through glass), or can take vitamin D3, it is very important because your body needs it to improve your vitamin D level.
Even if you have windows facing only north or south, sun bouncing off other buildings or wall may still be helpful, even sun coming through clouds

For more information - when, how much, foods with D,
Harvard Women's Health Watch, Harvard Medical School Time for more vitamin D

Can You Get Sunburn on a Cloudy Day? Plus More Sun Myths Exposed

How to get vitamin D from sunlight

Dr. Josh Axe
"Antiviral herbs inhibit the development of viruses. Many of the best antiviral herbs boost the immune system, which allows the body to attack viral pathogens. This can be even better than attacking specific pathogens, which antiviral drugs are designed to do, because pathogens mutate over time and become less susceptible to treatment. Not only do antiviral herbs fight viral infections, boost the immune system and work as flu natural remedies, but they have a number of other health benefits, such as cardiovascular, digestive and anti-inflammatory support."
Use Antiviral Herbs to Boost Immune System and Fight Infection, Dr. Josh Axe March 8, 2020

And, as some general system support 

The important thing is to improve and support the immune system to be able to handle the virus.

"Turmeric is arguably the most powerful herb on the planet at fighting and potentially reversing disease"
Turmeric and Curcumin Benefits: Can This Herb Really Combat Disease?
Well worth spending 10 minutes (if you're a fast reader)  of your average of some 700,000 hours on the planet.

Use things like antiviral everything curcumin powder (with a dash of pepper), or capsules with some form of piperine in them which helps the body absorb turmeric or curcumin into the tissue and cells.
Eat lots of the good oils (which do not put on weight) like coconut oil (which itself is anti everything), olive oil, and butter. How to Use Coconut Oil to Boost Your Immunity OneGreenPlanet - Health
Note: at least during a pandemic, stop eating foods which have a lot of hidden sugars in them (otherwise know as junk foods). Does almost nothing for the body except put on weight and starves the system of the nutrients it needs to keep you healthy.

if you eat something sweet, like with real sugar, be sure to use some turmeric (curcumin) as a pill or powdered on something (egg?), or cinnamon(powder or stick in coffee or tea) which will stabilize the sugar spike in the blood. This is particularly good for pre-diabetes or diabetes, as well as other conditions.

Why is ginger good for you?

View the Evidence: 325 Abstracts with Ginger Research

Coconut Oil
Top 10 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

PLUS see the articles under MUSINGS, just below on foods, herbs and spices which help improve the immune system.

O.K. that's the most important stuff for improving your immune system to handle whatever is coming at you.

The crucial question: what is the difference between those who die of the virus or experience critical symptoms and everyone else?

The bottom line:
If you get it, you will get over it.  Even the elderly population.


Important articles on immunity

Improve the immune system

21 Immune Boosting Foods, Tonics & Teas September 30, 2019 12 min read 15 Comments

The 15 Best Supplements to Boost Your Immune System Right Now

Top 15 Immune System Boosters

6 Ways Seniors Can Boost Their Immune System With Foods, Herbs & Vitamins

How to Boost Your Immune System — Top 19 Boosters Christine Ruggeri, CHHC March 16, 2020

15 Impressive Herbs with Antiviral Activity Oregano, Sage, Basil, Fennel, Garlic, Lemon balm, Peppermint, Rosemary, echinacea, sambucus(elderberry), licorice, astragalus, ginger, ginseng, dandelion

View the Evidence: 778 Abstracts with Antiviral Agents Research

Top Ten Natural Anti-Viral Agents

Dealing with Coronavirus

Medicinal Foods and Beverages Protect Against Coronavirus, Research Suggests

Enhance the immune system - it’s time for a ‘no regrets’ approach to coronavirus Jeremy Konyndyk Feb. 4, 2020 That means judiciously gearing up worst-case preparedness well before a worst-case outcome is certain.

Video: Andrew W. Saul Discusses Vitamin and Coronavirus
Nutrition and Natural Strategies Offer Hope Against COVID-19 Analysis and Interview Dr. Mercola

News Media Attacks Vitamin C Treatment of COVID-19 Coronavirus Yet Ascorbate is a Proven, Powerful Antiviral
About Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Vitamin C and COVID-19 Coronavirus
by Damien Downing, MBBS, MRSB and Gert Schuitemaker, PhD
(OMNS February 28, 2020) There is only one existing treatment for the new coronavirus: vitamin C. Vitamin C supports your immune system
Vitamin C helps to kill the virus and reduces the symptoms of infection.
It's not a COVID19 "cure," but nothing is.
It might just save your life, and will definitely reduce the severity of the infection. If someone tells you it's not proven, consider two things:
    Nothing is proven to work against COVID-19, because it's a new virus.
    Vitamin C has worked against every single virus including influenzas, pneumonia, and even poliomyelitis."

4. And most crucial on the societal level to top

What we need to be doing in emergency mode is to use the funds necessary on researching the underlying differences between those who have been in high risk situations and have not been infected while those who are, respond as asymptomatic, and others with varying symptoms from mild to moderate up to a small percentage critical.

This can be done using questionnaires related to medical history, medications, life style, diet, sleep, exercise, stress, etc.
Blood work is invasive and not necessary.

Of top priority, we need to find out why some people do not contract the pathogen, while others fall to it with varying degrees of symptomology. This is crucial, because if this pathogen mutates into a highly infectious and virulent form, we will be at its mercy.

Whether dealing with a 'normal' pathogenic viral or bacterial disease, or a highly infectious disease like Ebola, the procedures we are now using will only increase the risk.

Vaccines may be one way we could fight a virus if given the time, but if a highly infectious or truly virulent virus confronts us, it could sweep through a population in days. Our only protection would be our immune system and our microbiome. It would be our only hope, and right now we are ignoring the difference between people's biological reactions, to our possible demise.

How To Reduce Mortality  top

What needs to be done to reduce the mortality from a pathogen or the side effects of disease management?

1. Immune system
- first and foremost, improve the nutrition of the general population.
- determine sufficiency of immune systems of those at risk, and do whatever is necessary to increase where deficient.
- identify and provide a knowledge base of those natural resources which have the most potential of shoring up unbalanced or deficient immune systems with possible natural foods and herbs.
-  provision of foods, herbs, supplements which have a palliative effect on deficient immune systems, and the knowledge base as to how to prepare and consume.

2. Hospitalization
- reserve actual hospitalization for only those in critical condition, needing specialized equipment, surgery, or care.
- reduce death by infection from another disease, inadequate or erroneous medical care, death from side effects of medical care itself, or the drugs administered.
-  In most cases in which the individual dies, there appears to be compounding reasons like co-infections, severely weakened immune systems, or from complications such as sepsis. How often has death by the virus alone been established?

3. Supply
-  provide the necessary medical supplies through emergency import, which normally takes a fully functioning social structure.
-  increase production of necessary supplies and easy movement of goods and free trade with reduced prices

4. Water
-  increase sanitation facilities, and emergency provision of sufficient water including repair and upkeep of community systems, or establishing them where deficient.

5. Information
- help lines and public information where such are severely limited due to any number of physical, economic, or political systems which impede rapid response and non-containment or adequate treatment of a new pathogen.
- In-place alert and response operations, and
- news about containment and not just news of the spread of a virus causing panic.
- improve widespread alert systems so that isolated communities or individuals can be identified, are educated to symptoms, make coming forward a positive step, in order to keep a potentially widespread virus or bacteria from being hidden and unreported. This means that help with necessary and supportive care is available and desirable for those who become infected and those in close contact with the individual so that critical need cases are not hidden. This is one of the reasons for high mortality rates simply because the full extent of the critically endangered individuals are afraid to come forward, or ask for help.  With a 'normal' annual flu there is relatively little cause to keep from seeking medical help because there is no stigma attached, and other individuals in the household or community are not placed at a disadvantage.

6. Cultural practices
- identify and provide alternatives for cultural practices (different for each community) which would normally spread the pathogen (i.e. grieving and burial practices)

7. Laboratories for testing, identification
- increase sufficient in-place labs and communication systems to collect and  transmit samples to identify unknown pathogens. This is particularly important when there is no previous knowledge or experience dealing with a pathogen.

8. Education
- basic education of medical personnel on possible response and containment measures so that there is minimal surprise regardless of the presentation at onset of a new pathogen
- prepare for possible emergencies through mass education of first responders and health care personnel relevant to each level of an operational health care system

9. Policies
- fully delineate detection, identification, prevention, management and control policies - in place and fully supported.

10. Societal level
- minimize social and economic upheaval accompanying a new disease in different settings.
- plan for rapid installation of necessary communication, transportation and distribution systems.

11. Storage of resources needed
- establish storage and access procedures  of resources for emergency and supportive care to stabilize physiological as well as psychological trauma.

Seminal article on how health care workers are handling coronavirus in Singapore and Hong Kong
Keeping the Coronavirus from Infecting Health-Care Workers - What Singapore’s and Hong Kong’s success is teaching us about the pandemic

That's it. And worldwide, unless you are an individual living alone on an ice flow, you will eventually be exposed to it. But in over 99%+ of the cases, you will get over it, so the sooner the better.  Even if you are reasonably healthy, and have one of the conditions they say is a co-factor, still your chances of surviving it are very, very high.

It's as if the biosphere is nearing the tipping point before going into convulsions, and this is one of the signs. - we are all part of the same bioplasma on the earth - living in basic harmony, and it is out of balance.

In the end, we will thank China for its reaction to the current virus, and Japan for its quarantine of the cruise ship, for producing the conditions which put us on notice worldwide just how unprepared we are.


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