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Updated 12 October 2024
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This page is about saving more water in case of an EMP attack, but in case of a pandemic lock down, includes Unusual First Aid which has kept me out of the ICU. It also includes a link to what we can do When We Have No Water, and another post to keep you out of the ICU Foodandsuch .

Super CRITICAL if you live in Israel or Lebanon or Syria or Turkey, read NOW - This is about the possible use of an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) weapon which does not harm life forms or physical structure, but destroys the electrical grid. It may not be used, but it is better to be prepared.
Each of us must take immediate action to get extra water in your home for drinking and general use for yourself and family today. Why? It has been reported
click here: TRU News
that within previous days, Iran has delivered EMP WEAPONS (said to have never been used in active combat before, and possibly obtained by Israel in the meantime) to the Hezbollah which can be fired from stationary launchers to close areas like the Golan Heights, or carried by drones deeper within Israel, which when released above ground destroy the electrical grid without effecting people or structures, but will cause death by dehydration since most water is pumped into homes by the electrical grid.

The Hezbollah has said it will send these EMP weapons the minute Israel launches an attack, in retaliation for a drone attack which killed children and youth at a soccer game in the Golan Heights.

How To Save More Water
Print this 1 page and the 2 attachments Unusual First Aid and When We Have No Water if you can. You might even go to a print shop. It goes without saying that once the lights are out, parts you may want to refer to are gone - like the emergency first aid with cayenne pepper stopping even heavy bleeding from an open wound. This with many more tips which actually work ire in an attachment.

When we are going into a period in which this probably will not happen, we just pour out the water and everything is back to normal.

The reason for this:
There are a number of reasons why the electricity can go off suddenly. A possible EMP attack is only one. We could be ordered into a total lockdown with the electricity off.

Some Ideas
See reference 1 Water needed daily by an adult, and reference 2 Quality of plastic
1. Most important: do this one thing if you do nothing else. It might give you a chance at survival if nothing else works. Fill up the plastic boxes at the bottom of your refrigerator, which are put there for fruits and vegetables, etc. (mostly etc.) Dump them out and fill them with tap water. Do not fill to the very top. Do it gradually so as not to drastically lower the temperature in the refrigerator. Use it only for drinking water In general, do not drink too much. One of the small boxes can support one adult for about a week.
2. instead of throwing out milk and beverage cartons, rinse them out very well and fill them with water.
3. look for jars that are almost empty, put their contents elsewhere and fill.
4. instead of throwing out wine, juice, coffee bottles, fill them now. Be sure they are closed with something.
5. if you have heavy duty plastic bags, put them on an external ledge, or in a porch with adequate drainage and put some water in them and tie them up.
6. If you have glasses, goblets turned upside down in your cupboards, turn them upright, fill and cover very well so bugs cannot get in and drown.
7. Do not take a bath or shower when the electricity goes out - the hot water dude may be your ace in the hole for water.
8. And of course, purchased bottled water and jugs. But, do not depend on these because they run out very fast for drinking and other needs if you do not have other water stored.
9. Empty out every plastic container and fill with tap water. If there is insufficient time fill and use for other than drinking needs. But remember that in the past, most of our drinking water was not in BPA-free plastic and we survived.


Be sure to see the add on posts.
Unusual First Aid when going to the hospital is not an option. What we can do When We Have Insufficient or No Water, and another post to keep you out of the ICU Foodandsuch

Share with family and friends.



Eat one fig or date a day. You will not believe the benefits.
Proven Health Benefits of Dates ...- HERE
11 Amazing Health Benefits of Figs - HERE

In an uncertain situation, put a number into ziplock or sandwich bags and store in different places. Keep a map!


I give my permission to republish part or all of post in English or translated faithfully in another language without attribution.


© copyright GlobalCrisis Solution Center 2002-2004 All rights reserved


reference 1
A recent estimate
The Minimum Amount of Water Per Day To Survive: A Critical Guide
no water 4-6 days
500 mL (16.9 oz) 7 - 14 days,
1 L (33.8oz) 15 - 30 days
2L (67.7oz) Indefinitely
Based on average adult.
reference 2
I have not yet researched plastic safety. If you are so inclined, here are 2 links:
not necessarily for water storage
Link 1 Know your Plastics
Updated on March 21, 2023 summary
Safer choices are coded 1, 2, 4, and 5
Avoid 3, 6 and most plastics labeled 7
Here's what you should know about each code."... and how to find the numbers:
Link 2
The methods (to be added), for getting water out of the air or desalination are totally inadequate for even one person for a couple of hours, and are placed there to inspire someone to come up with something really ingenious.

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