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When We Have A Limited Amount Or No Water

Updated 11 October 2024
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When We Have No Water

This is about urine therapy.
    It has saved hundreds of thousands, if not millions, over the centuries when there was insufficient or no water.
    Tremendous gains can be achieved by using it only externally on the skin. Pee into a jar and put it on wherever there is a problem. It is absorbed by the skin. But, remember that there is no question that actual ingestion is extremely powerful for total healing, and even beneficial in limited amounts throughout a day.
    As a protective therapy, it cures many illnesses, protects against and cures cancer, clears up rashes and other skin conditions, clears up acne, dissolves blood clots, Is effective in parasite cleansing, improves memory and helps reverse degenerative conditions. The short list below of other condition helped or resolved with urine therapy is derived from the interview of Jonathan Otto by Nathan Crane. anti aging, reduce toxins or in remission, hair growth, vision improvement, reduction of depression, treatment of drug addiction, weight loss.
      It makes living in space feasible over long periods of time,.

My assessment
External application very effective without internal use of the therapy. It is absorbed thru the skin and into the rest of the body. Just put into a jar and put it on where needed. It does not hurt to try. NOT necessary to drink, although this will improve the benefits, and of course will keep you alive when sufficient water is not available.

As a non-disaster modality, urine therapy is literally the best thing that can happen to the body, mind and spirit. As a civilization, we have forgotten this


Many years ago, I was sitting or lying depending on what my mother was doing. And, at about 20 weeks old, my mother cut me off from fluid. My kidneys had fully developed, and for the next 4 months more or less, I was drinking my own pee. Without it, I would not be here.

OK, if I did it then and it kept me alive, I can do it now. This may be the second time when it can keep me alive when I had no other option. I am having my early morning juice. fruit yogurt, smoothie - in my case it is coffee, a slice of bread, a spoonful of jam, and a good chunk of butter. But back to the coffee, freeze dried or ground depending on what's available, with a teaspoon of honey (or Stevia), cinnamon to level out the sugar spike, plus all the other fantastic things cinnamon does, and some of what's in the jar containing the first morning pee with all of its enzymes, hormones, and stem cells. If it is aged a bit, will grow into millions of stem cells which can replace the whole body over time except for the mental and the spiritual.

I never could have done it until I saw the video with Martha Christy with all of the research reaching back years worldwide, and the stories of individuals for whom it was the difference between life and death. And then there was, right there, making my third-fourth coffee for the day, and I poured in some of it. Humm, like nothing, but I knew that I was instantly much better off than I had been minutes before.

And then I listened to Martha M. Christy HERE Her incredible book Your Own Perfect Medicine.

And, the Canadian Dr Amandha Vollmer HERE (a must hear interview who lays it all out as to what, why, when and how). For those who read, there is a transcript

And then, even Nathan Crane, who challenged Jonathan Otto "I want you to convince me to drink my own pee by the end of this broadcast" Nathan Crane and Jonathan Otto HERE

If you have decided to use urine therapy, it is very important to save enough water. While using urine therapy may dramatically reduce the water needed, it unlike the last 4 months of gestation in which all fluid is recycled. We lose a lot of moisture in breathing, sweat, menstruation, and losses for small amounts of fluid in the process of living, along with not collecting the first and final parts of the urine in collection. Therefore, for semi long term use of the therapy, we need daily intake of some water, along with replacement of nutrients containing such elements as salt, magnesium. etc.

With only what you produce yourself, you can live hopefully until the time the techs can get the network back up and running, or I find a way of surviving in the here and now and put off the hereafter until I am ready to make the transition.



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