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If you do nothing else, it is more than worth your while to watch this 14 minute trailer to a new docuseries: Vaccine Secrets here
Of course, I hope you will return.
YOU MAY NOT BELIEVE In your mind's eye, put a picture here of a family and then read further. You may not believe this, but this is what some people want to destroy - obliterate from a transhumanist future of the world. They want to merge robotronics with humans, obliterate the humanity in the individual, erase the man-woman distinction, and the birthlife cycle which has brought us to this point in evolution, and in our own reach, as humans, for the stars. As one who is wedded to my humanity, I want to preserve this as we head out into space and into our own future. We are in the middle of what has been labelled as the Great Reset - much further along than most of us realize, with the subversion of many of our national and international agencies and organizations, and the subliminal perceptions of each other as we go about our daily lives. We have been traumatized and made to fear for our very existence in order to have us willingly submit to lockdowns, tracking, pitting one against another, and separating anyone who dares to resist the injection of materials into our bodies which have but one goal - tracking, tracing, controlling each one of us, and the killing of all those who are sensitive, non-compliant, or too old. And realize this - the ultimate goal are the children. It is important to the Great Reset that the children are inoculated because they are the whole future of their operation. The use of glyphosate, 5G, one size fits all agriculture and food production. None of this has anything to do with climate change, space exploration, utilizing the brilliance of the individual mind, or the beauty of individual creativity in all fields. The end goal is making humanity into a subspecies on planet earth. Their protestations about doing what is beneficial for the planet or the human race or for any other sentient being on the earth is subservient to that which is easily controlled. I will not ask all of the questions which can only lead to the realization that the pandemic is not for health or saving us from a virus. Others have done an incredible job of asking, and have come to only one conclusion. There is a plan, and it is not to our benefit - in fact the idea is to erase us as humans from planet earth. - to reduce the population to a manageable 1 billion from 7.8 billion, a population which will be educated, fed, monitored and utilized as transhumanist entities to serve the few. We can reach for the stars and for a truly glorious future for humanity and all other life on this planet as humans, and do it far better than any vision the globalists may have. We have made it to this stage being pure human - in community, and we will only bring disaster upon ourselves by attempting to follow the plan of anyone who thinks we will be better off changing all that for a future in which we no longer exist as true individuals in community. WE MUST NOT LET IT HAPPEN. WE ARE MADE OF GOD, WE COME FROM GOD, AND WE WILL REST IN GOD.
Jonathan Otto and many others Vaccine Secrets
MANY THINGS. IT IS YOUR CHOICE - YOU DECIDE. YOU CAN SIMPLY ACCEPT AND GO WITH THE FLOW, OR YOU CAN DECIDE THAT THERE IS A PART OF THAT FLOW WHICH IS NOT YOU, WHICH DOES NOT FIT YOUR CONCEPT OF SELF - A SEPARATE INALIENABLE SELF WHICH WAS GIVEN TO YOU BY GOD, AND CAN BE AFFIRMED, OR ALTERNATIVELY, SUBMERGED - THROWN ASIDE AS YOU BECOME A PART OF THE UNDERLYING GOO OF THE SURROUNDING SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND DICTATES. I cannot help you in this, because it must come from within. Otherwise, it is a part of me. All I can do is support you in this process, listen, embrace that which you will show or transmit. I may be astounded at something you have created which did not previously exist, and which I may or may not embrace. But know this. I may reject parts of you, but I do not reject you. I may mourn if you denigrate parts of yourself in favor of what others embrace. I may ask if you believe or feel that this is a part of you, or is being accepted as a way of maintaining advantage with regard to others or the social structure, or the belief patterns which make up the overall structure. I may mourn if you decide that my individuality, my view of the universe, and of myself is antithetical to your continued existence. I may mourn if you cut yourself off physically, verbally, perceptually, integratively. BUT, I will always honor your decisions, and I will wish you well.
To be continued The site is provided as a public service. |