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Update: May 22 2022


NOW May 22-28 2022
It is crucial that everyone valuing our humanity read about what is taking place in the next couple of day in Geneva at the Assemble of the World Health Organization WHO


This is the first day of the WHO Assembly during which the AMENDMENTS to the International Health Regulation (IHR) of the WHO will be brought to a vote to approve the capability of the WHO (a private organization under the UN) and its director general to declare a state of emergency and mandate health policies (overriding national sovereignty) for the entire world (the 194 nations of the United Nations), or designated individual nations.

This internal 'constitution' of the WHO basically has the effect of a treaty which when accepted by the nations (a 2/3 majority) during the 6 day assembly, will become binding on all member nations. Presently we are all legally bound by the WHO's current IHR, but under the current IHR there are a number of checks which protect a nation from suggestions by the WHO under a declared state of emergency or declared pandemic, regarding the handling of its internal health policies, to even include withdrawing from the WHO. However, under the proposed amendments, these checks are being withdrawn, leaving a sovereign nation declared to be a public health menace, or any situation which could negatively effect another nation, under external dictatorial control regarding its handling of its health policies, and in extension, control over all connected internal policies - in other words, possible absolute control by the WHO and under its charter, control by one man - the Director General (presently Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus).

The vote of the WHO on acceptance of the amendments of its IHR is the death knell of the present world order as two thirds of the nations of the world sign away their sovereignty to handle its own internal health policies (and by extension all other policies) and give them to a non-elected private institution under the United Nations

This is part of a worldwide depopulation (reduce the world's population - a genocide of the world), giving absolute control over the lives of the remaining individuals, and power residing in the hands of a few individuals. You may think that this is impossible, even inconceivable, but the real point right now is that when the WHO gets the amendments to the IHR passed, the WHO becomes the virtual ruler of the world. Some people are saying that there is a period after a possible yes vote succeeding (2/3 of the 194 nations representatives) when each nation has the opportunity of objecting or of pulling itself out of the WHO or removing itself from enforcement of specific policies for a particular problem. Initially, under WHO policy procedures this was a six month period. Apparently that time has been shortened, and it would not be surprising if it is shortened even further. Take note that under the proposed amendments to the IHR is that a country, which has been notified of a potential problem, has 24 hours to respond and if they do not respond within that period, then any further response is null and void.

Even if the country was not adequately notified, or even if a country refuses to abide by the WHO's involvement in its internal affairs, this will not stand in the way of active involvement, up to the level of UN troop boots on the ground to enforce the directives of the WHO.

During these days (22-28 May), the amendments will come to a vote (with many countries already signifying their approval of the amendments). Even though there may not presently be the possibility of further editing under the current rules, it is very possible that immediately after the approval of the IHR, new changes can be made to be approved by new assembly convocations authorized (through zoom for instance), and new period lengths for acceptance or rejection defined. This will give total dictatorial power to a private organization with the capability of callinig on its ties with other international organizations to enforce its dictates. ___

Note: see questions related to the vulnerability of the United States. By extension, this relates to all nations of the world - not just democratic.
QUESTIONS text submitted by James Roguski

We are all experimental subjects. And at the end of the experiment, we will be sacrificed.

What most people do not know, at the end of many animal experiment, all the experimental subjects that have not died during the experiment are sacrificed. In the view of those conducting the current depopulation of the world agenda, in the end, a majority of us will be eliminated, and those left will not be able to procreate.


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