Multi Stage Functions
1 goals of analysis.
(1) Analysis is a process of problem solving and event response analysis which takes into account historical incidents and the effectiveness of solutions and causes of failure can significantly reduce the effects of an event.
(2) Analysis provides the data from the field in understandable form to aid in the successful direction of response.
Never underestimate the effects of an event.
2 techniques.
development of cross indexed database for historical date, case studies, research, recording and analysis.
constant monitoring as to effects of action taken and possible side effects.
contingency plans for monitoring in case of emergency.
constant analysis of field data to assess possible problems.
analysis of trends in all data.
3 segments of system in which analysis operates.
constant analysis and updating of all events at all stages and ongoing actions, aftershocks analysis and updating of backup and alternative systems for all response operations.
4 reporting and record keeping.
centralization of assessment.
development of standardized forms, checks.
use of checklists developed for different levels, different events, operations.
standardized reporting of accidents or events.
record keeping, ease of recording changes, mishaps, weaknesses, previous incidents as a basis for analysis when faced with a problem.
timing and authority for follow-up for all events as well as regular reporting procedures.
5 types of analysis.
constant analysis of effectiveness of command, response, methods, needs, supply lines, communication, safety measures, holes in response, lack of materials or support.
analysis of ongoing procedures successes/failures.
analysis of further damage due to successive recurrence of event or similar events.
analysis of all response elements towards improvement of lines of communication and cooperation.
the warning signs and awareness to impending event.
all phases which were not accomplished, could have been better, were not previously planned or were poorly or insufficiently planned.
identification of holes in the system which may lead to disaster.
analysis of integrity of materials and tools, equipment.
analysis of and special attention on failures to identify possible problems.
provision for immediate analysis of any unexpected change of status.
analysis of effects of preventative action on population, environment and on the capability to respond.
analysis of an inter-related data retrieval system and the adequacy of learning, searching, finding answers, use in investigation, learning from previous events.
6 oversight.
external assessment by independent experts.
accountability - acceptance of responsibility and ability to give sufficient reason for actions.
7 change based on assessment, analysis and outside evaluation.
need to create the means and atmosphere for acceptance of change within different stages of the system.
a well defined post crisis set of actions and rules in order to learn from the crisis.
establishment of new rules of behavior, help individuals deal with the consequences of the crisis.
reassessment of the problems within the organization which may have been the sufficient cause or continuation of the crisis.


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